December 31, 2018
Happy Healthy New You!

Short and sweet. Happy and healthy.
That’s my New Year’s resolution diet advice for 2019. Choose foods and drinks that make you happy and healthy. Yes, they are often one and the same. I’m kind of digging the term “Wellness Foodie” because it embraces the delicious duel goal of enjoying good foods that are good for you.
As an RDN, registered dietitian nutritionist (that’s what we’re called now), I’m thrilled to share the latest news that dietitians are the new celebrity chefs! “Professional dietitians will rank alongside celebrity chefs as consumers aim to personalize their food experiences.” – from a wrap up of 2019 hot food trends by Benchmark.
Here’s my list of Wellness Foodie things to think about/ drink about/ dine about for a happy and healthy 2019.
- Eat your vegetables now translates to the phrase “be plant forward” or eat a “plant based” diet. It’s all good You don’t have to be a vegetarian to eat like one. And when you’re enjoying meats, poultry or seafood ( such as this lobster salad below) let plants be the star of the plate.
2. Follow the sun. Meals based on the principles of the Mediterranean Diet are delicious and nutritious. Choose healthy fats
such as olive oil, avocado and Omega 3’s found in seafood. The salmon mousse below is delicious with fresh dill.
3. Choose Whole Grains. Sure you can still enjoy white rice, white bread and all kinds of pasta but make an effort to eat more whole grains in your carb world. The rule is to make half your grains whole. So combine brown rice with white, discover the magic of wonderful whole grain breads and mix whole grain pasta with regular. Why not? Of course you’ll be getting more fiber but also did you know that their are hundreds of plant nutrients in the whole grain including vitamins, minerals and other healthy bits and pieces.